Be Peach Goše - кен 330 мл

Гозе в колаборация със Sepia Brewing. Към класическата рецепта със семена от кориандър и сол (в случая печената бамбукова сол на Spizing) сме добавили и пюре от праскови, като сме се погрижили да ферментират изцяло. Така сме омекотили киселата жилка и сме добавили нежни аромати. Солта осигурява дълъг и запомнящ се послевкус.

Gose was “invented” around 1181 in the town of Goslar, Germany, where the name originates from. The beer was delivered to taverns in actively fermenting barrels, with the fermentation finishing in the innkeeper’s cellar.

The style is characterised with a salty flavour, notes of pepper and citrus from the coriander, and a distinct sourness. We achieved this with bamboo salt - roasted at over 1000 degrees nine consecutive times; a gentle addition of coriander and partial fermentation with Lactobacillus Plantarum, which increases the sourness. Untraditionally, we added peaches as well, which offers a bit of sweetness. The result is light, refreshing, but still packed with flavour.

4.6% alc./vol.

OG: 11.4°Plato

Grain bill: Barley malts, wheat malts

Hops: none

Other additions: peach, coriander, bamboo salt

Yeast: S-33

6.30 лв
